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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Mockboard Miracle

I've had a mockboard scheduled since the middle of January and then I just kept finding others. I felt like I had them coming out of my ears!
I confirmed my patient. He always comes early and is very reliable. But of course things are never as smooth as I hope they are going to be!  As the clock ticked farther and farther from 12:30 I'm got more and more sick to my stomach. He never came!
At 12:50 in walks this older gentle man up to the window to ask how to schedule a cleaning. (can you hear the angles singing!) He was willing to be my patient. I took him back (without x-rays at all) and he has 11 clicks!!!! Hallejua again! It was amazing! I got him done and passed my last mockboard!!!
It was a mockboard miracle!
I have to give a shout-out to Jamie for helping me so much!


  1. Say it with me people...MAREN IS AMAZING! You handled that so well! I am so grateful that it really is true...Everything will somehow work out! Good job!!

  2. Holy Crud, Maren! What a mockboard day you had! I am so glad that you made it through alive. How kind of you to share so many of the people you have had that qualify. The angels are sending you miracles because you are thinking of others.

  3. Oh my goodness. I think I my heart just dropped reading the beginning of this. Everyone's nightmare! I'm so glad it worked out. It's a hygiene MIRACLE! You much have the hygiene Gods on your side haha.
