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Monday, April 11, 2011

Clinic 22

Goal: 1 quad of class III, 2 quads of class V, removable appliance PE....
Today went well and I got alot accomplished. I worked on my class III. I was slower than I thought I would be but I got him finished! What an amazing feeling!!! I had a pretty tight schedule and worked it out so that my 2nd patient could come in before I was done with my class III and get x-rays done. Thank heaven Leigh is amazing! She was a life saver! She took the x-rays and then I saw my patient. She was my denture patient as well. I was nervous for the removable appliance PE but it was easier than I thought it would be. Pretty straightforward.  So I cleaned that and quickly cleaned 2 quads (they were super easy). It turned out to be a good day!

1 comment:

  1. Girl... your crazy fast!!! I think everyone doubts all the time... but we are all in this together! Keep up the good work:)
