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Monday, January 9, 2012

Oh the VA!

Today was a busy day. It started out with me being late and missing the exit to meet Karlie. I hate it when exits have 2 names! After doubling back we made the treck to SLC.
I saw two pt's in the morning. The first one was a really nice man with sleep apnea. He must have been exhausted because he promptly feel asleep in my chair and snored for the rest of the appointment:) He was a class V and I finished him just in time to see the next pt. My new pt had an upper denture a lower anterior bridge with implants and then natural teeth. The appointment should've taken a half hour but I feel like I am so slow! Well, the x-rays were giving me complications but besides that I don't know what my problem was. I need to work on my speed! I did get to talk about dental aids and learn more about the Perio-aid which I feel is a weird tool and I never remember to recommend.
My afternoon patient was the nicest guy all day. He was pretty familiar with the students and every time Prof Bossenberger would walk in he'd say, "Well Stephanie, how's...." it was pretty funny. Per his request we started him on nitrous but he was still really sensitive so I was able to use Oraqix as well and pass of both of those PE's!! I love oraqix though. its amazing! Besides being such a nice guy he was so interested in how he was doing with his home care and what areas he needed to work on and what tools would be better used. It was awesome! Its so nice to have patients that are so concerned! All in all a good day!
Oh, I probably shouldn't post the funniest part of the day but if you're looking for a good story ask Karlie Nichols about taking blood pressure. Its a good one! and even better to have been there in person!

1 comment:

  1. lol I actually heard the Karlie story Ha Ha Ha but wow you had an eventful day, I feel like I have been stuck on permanent slow since the semester started ugh hope I speed up.
